2024 Tokyo Aviation Week events
English text follows Japanese
Ciriumは今年も10月に『Tokyo Aviation Week』を開催します。このイベントでは、Cirium Ascend Consultancyによる航空市場の最新情報や業界の見通し、サステナビリティ関連、航空機の市場価値についてのプレゼンテーションを実施します。
Cirium will be holding the Tokyo Aviation Week in Tokyo this October featuring multiple aviation finance events. These events will be presented by experts from Cirium Ascend Consultancy. They will cover topics on aviation market updates, insights and industry outlook, share their thoughts on sustainability, and touch on market values.
For more information on each event, please see below.
無料イベント | Free event
Tokyo Market Briefing
Cirium Japanチームに加え、Cirium Ascend Consultancyのエクスパートを迎えた半日間のマーケットブリーフィングに是非ご参加ください。グローバルおよび地域の航空市場に関するインサイトや見通しを共有します。当イベントは、航空業界の主要関係者を対象とした無料イベントです。金融機関、エアライン、空港、OEMに加え、これらの分野に関連する業界の方々もご参加いただけます。
Join our Ascend Consultancy experts for a half-day market briefing where they share their industry insights and outlook for the global and regional aviation market. The Tokyo Market Briefing is a free event for key stakeholders in the aviation industry, including aviation finance, airlines, airports and OEMs, as well as those working with these sectors.
1:30pm | Welcome & Introduction |
1:50pm | Commercial Aircraft Market Overview (with focus on Asia Pacific) George Dimitroff, Head of Valuations, Cirium Ascend Consultancy |
2:40pm | CIRIUMのデータを用いた分析例 / Data samples of Cirium Japan Airport Consultants |
3:00pm | Panel discussion: Exploring the Japan airport sector Moderator: Toshimitsu Sogabe, Aviation Consultant, Cirium Ascend Consultancy Panelists: – Nishikiori Takeshi, Airport Planning Division, Deputy Manager, Japan Airport Consultants, Inc. – Shumpei Tsuda, SVP Head of Aviation and Domestic Team Div4 (Domestic Aviation/Global Airports), Development Bank of Japan Inc. – Tomohiko Matsumoto, Country Manager – Japan, Cebu Pacific Air – Kanaya Hideo, General Manager, Planning Department – Corporate Planning Division Organization, Narita International Airport Corporation |
3:40pm | BREAK |
3:55pm | Alternative Assets: Engine, Freighter & Regional Lionel Olonga, Senior Valuations Analyst, Cirium Ascend Consultancy |
4:20pm | Panel discussion: A look into alternative assets Moderator: Toshimitsu Sogabe, Aviation Consultant, Cirium Ascend Consultancy Panelists: – Umid Sharipov, Managing Director, ABL Aviation – Toshi Matsuda, Director, Airborne Capital – Masafumi Hayashi, Deputy General Manager, Aviation Product Solutions Department, Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing Co., Ltd. |
5:00pm | Closing remarks |
5:05pm | Networking session |
6:35pm | End of Program |
開催日時 / Date & time
10月31日(木)13:00 開場、13:30開始
31 October, Thursday | Registrations start at 1PM
会場 / Venue
Akasaka Intercity Conference Center (near Tameike-Sanno and Kokkai-Gijidomae Stations)
参加費 / Fee
有料ワークショップ | Paid workshop
Valuation Seminar
2018年に開始したバリュエーションセミナーシリーズは、今年で6年目を迎えます。このセミナーは、ベースバリューやマーケットバリューといったバリュエーションの概念を詳しく理解し、航空機の鑑定がどのように行われるかを学ぶことを目的としています。航空機ファイナンスに初めて携わる方や、Cirium Ascendの鑑定ツールを活用し、更に知識を深めたいと考えている方に最適なセミナーです。詳細は、各コースのご登録ページをご覧ください。
Launched in 2018, the Valuation Seminar series in Tokyo is now in its sixth year. This seminar aims to provide a more detailed understanding of valuation concepts such as Base Value and Market Value, and give a glimpse of how aircraft appraisals are done. These seminars are perfect for those who are new to aircraft finance or those who have experience using Cirium Ascend’s appraisal tools and are looking to expand on their knowledge. Learn more about these seminars in their respective registration pages.
Basic Course
開催日時 / Date & time
10月30日(水)9:00開場、9:30開始 一 17:00終了予定
30 October, Wednesday | 9am – 5pm, registrations start at 9am
場所 / Venue
Cirium Japanオフィス 東京ミッドタウン八重洲(最寄り駅 東京駅)
Cirium Japan office – Tokyo Midtown Yaesu (near Tokyo Station)
参加登録はこちら(JA)/ Register here(EN)
Advanced Course
開催日時 / Date & time
11月1日(金)9:00開場、9:30開始 一 17:00終了予定
1 November, Friday | 9am – 5pm, registrations start at 9am
場所 / Venue
Cirium Japanオフィス 東京ミッドタウン八重洲(最寄り駅 東京駅)
Cirium Japan office – Tokyo Midtown Yaesu (near Tokyo Station)
Cirium Ascend Consultancyの専門家
Cirium Ascend Consultancy Experts

Head of Valuations, ISTAT certified appraiser

Aviation Consultant

Senior Valuations Analyst
Ascend Consultancyは、50年以上にわたり航空機鑑定を提供してきた業界屈指のエキスパートチームです。これまで数多くの賞を受賞しており、最近ではAirline Economics Aviation 100 Global Leaders Awardの『2024年度 Appraiser of the Year』に選ばれました。
Ascend Consultancy are experts in aircraft valuation and have been providing values for more than five decades. They are the most awarded appraiser, having recently won the Airline Economics Aviation 100 Global Leaders Awards’ Appraiser of the Year for 2024.

Cirium Japan Team
Meet our Cirium Japan team in person and ask them about our company and our services when you attend our events.
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